the cabinet of wonders

Recognize The Signs: Infantile Spasms (West Syndrome) – Every Second Counts

Infantile spasms, formerly known as West syndrome is a rare and serious type of epilepsy that affects infants. These seizures are short frequent jerks, which could cause long-lasting developmental issues when not treated and diagnosed quickly. As a parent, being aware of the signs of infantile spasms may make a world of difference for your child’s future.

Spotting the Signs: Infantile Spasms Symptoms

The infantile spasms may be subtle and can be easily misinterpreted as normal baby movements. However, there are some specific signs to be aware of:

Instinctive jerks generally involve the neck of the infant and its upper body, causing them to bend quickly. Legs and arms may extend or flex rapidly.

Clustered episodes : These are jerks that occur in groups of spasms with multiple spasms, over a short duration (seconds to a minute). These clusters of spasms may happen throughout the day.

Expression changes: Babies may cry or look a bit shocked when they are experiencing spasms.

The Power of Video Capturing Infantile Spasms to aid in the early diagnosis

You must act swiftly when you suspect your child is experiencing spasms in the infant. The early diagnosis and treatment is dependent on each and every minute. Video recording can save lives:

Visual evidence by recording your child’s spasms, you can give doctors valuable visual evidence that can help them diagnose. Sometimes, these short moments can go unnoticed when a doctor’s appointment is scheduled.

A clear video aids doctors identify infantile seizures and differentiate them from other types seizures, or normal movement for babies.

Treatment speed: Early diagnosis may allow for rapid treatment possibly reducing developmental delays which are caused by untreated spasms among infants.

Take Action Now if You Suspect Infantile Spastics

If you think that your child may be experiencing infantile spasms then:

Capture video: Record the spasms on your phone or camera, and capture as many details as you can.

Call your pediatrician promptly. It’s important to bring your child in the presence of a pediatrician. It is important to discuss your concerns and then share the video. Be sure to emphasize the importance of this appointment.

Find emergency help if required If access to your pediatrician unavailable, you should take your baby and the video recorder to the nearest emergency facility that treats children.

Early Intervention is the key to Making sure your child is protected for the future

Infantile spasms can be a source of developmental issues, such as cerebral palsy or intellectual disabilities. To increase your child’s odds of regaining and achieving developmental milestones, it is vital to identify and treat them promptly. Spasms in infants can be treated through a variety of approaches, from dietary changes to pharmaceuticals. In more severe cases surgical intervention may be necessary. By promptly addressing this condition with the appropriate medical treatment, parents can increase the chances of mitigating long-term consequences and assist their child’s progression towards improved motor and cognitive functioning. Learn more here Infantile Spasms Videos

Don’t ignore your gut feeling if you have a suspicion that something may be wrong with the baby. Always be cautious. Your child can keep them healthy and happy by being informed of signs and symptoms of infantile strains. If you see them, make a video and get medical attention immediately.

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